
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/2





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    (2019) 盧巧茹; Lu, Qiao-Ru
      本研究試圖釐清全球化視野下臺灣全島和東石地方不同層次的漁業發展、漁產運銷變化,並藉由觀察漁業如何影響魚市場發展,並透過魚市場的消長來看地方漁村所面臨的困境。   有別於先前研究,本研究以漁產運銷的角度建構出東石地區鄉村社會的發展,透過東石漁業、東石魚市場的發展歷程與轉變,觀看國家漁業政策的推動看對地方漁村的影響。其次,本研究蒐集魚市場中各種角色,包含漁民、販運商、零售商、決策者等多種角色的訪談,藉以彌補從檔案資料中無法探究地方漁業全貌的不足。從中央漁業政策更迭的角度來看,如東石這樣的沿海小型漁村,其漁業發展深受漁業政策影響,而漁業發展又會影響魚市場的存廢和改變漁產運銷方式,藉由東石魚市場的實例,地方小型魚市場為維持營運發展出不同的銷售方式,以適應漁業衰退的環境,但是東石魚市場不僅是改變產銷環境,同時也建立魚市場與地方社會的聯繫,給予地方人士一個情感交流的空間;若魚市場建立其特色、發展多重的功能,魚市場才有可能持續經營。
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    (地理學系, 2001-05-??) 陳憲明
    This paper, based on data obtained by fieldwork and literature review, investigates the characters and the consequence of Peninsular Malaysia fishery development. By choosing a Chinese fishing community, kukup, as case study for in-depth interview, the research will understand how the villagers to adjust their means of livelihood to keep step with the social-economic environmental change. Along the Malaysia coastline, there is a rich belt of mangrove forest for fish spawning and breeding. As a result, the inshore waters have abundant stocks of fish. In the early days, the Malaysian fishermen often used small fishing gears such as palisade traps and driftnets for fishing. However, the landings were quite limited. In the mid-1960s, Chinese fishermen started introducing trawler fishing from Thailand. From then on, the landings were increasing. But, half of the trawl catches were trash fish. Under the circumstance, over-fishing has caused depletion of fish resources. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic society, and Chinese have played an important role in marine fishing and aquaculture developments. These Chinese fishing communities mainly reside on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Kukup is a village locates in the south of Strait of Malacca, since the useful fishing grounds are very narrow and contracted the developments of capture fisheries. After the mid-1980s, fishermen started to import fish fry from Taiwan and Thailand, and cheap labor from Indonesia. Together with the domestic inexpensive trash fish as feed for fish to develop marine net-cage aquaculture by combining many country resources. These cultured fish are not only supplying to the nearby Singapore market, but also utilizing the fish farm to develop tourism industry. As the above description, the fishery development in Kukup is really benefited from locating near Singapore, an international city.