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Item 我國現行國高中臺灣史教材銜接度的探討-以南一版為例(2009) 朱曉俞摘要: 教科書的有無與學生的學業成就具有正向的關聯,尤其是對於低社經地位學生的影響更大,一本好的教科書必須是一部能符合學生心智、年齡程度的教材,讓學生在原先已有的認知基礎上,學習到更多知識。國、高中歷史教材銜接的目的一方面兼顧教材架構的完整性,一方面避免不必要的重複。國中的歷史教育以建立學生的基礎知識為目的,強調事件過程、陳述史實現象為主,將較須理解分析的部分簡單介紹即可;而高中教材則以國中所學為基礎,將學習重心放在進一步培養學生歷史思維與比較分析的能力,因此宜略過現象的描述,而著重說明事件發生的原因、影響和意義。高一台灣史的問題在於國中教材簡化,且合科教學,使教材零碎化,造成高一新生歷史知識不足,勢必無法銜接暫行課綱主題式教學。其原因在於92課綱實施之後,開放民間自行編輯,而造成各版本內容差異過大的現象,再加上國中歷史、地理與公民合為社會科,歷史的上課時數較以前更少,進入高中之後面對窄又深的且較為抽象的主題,與較大篇幅的敘述,在學習上因而更難銜接。依此本研究所要探討的即是在一綱多本的教材下,國高中教材的銜接情況,作為高中教師授課的參考。Item 資料庫於臺灣古典文學史教學之應用(國文天地雜誌社, 2007-08-01) 林淑慧Item 高中高職聯考地理科試題的品質及其對國中地理教學正常化的影響(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1993-06-01) 陳國川; 翁國盈This study is based on the viewpoint of practice. It is the attempt to evaluate the influ-ence of geography questions in the joint entrance examinations of senior high schools and voca負ional schools on geography teaching normalization of junior high schools. The approach includes (1). evaluating the quality of geography questions in several categories of joint entrance examinations 1992;(2) analysing the content validity and structural form of geography questions in the stage examinations of junior high schools 1991;(3) investigating the geography teaching situation in junior high schools. The result reveals as the following: 1. The quality of geography questions in the joint entrance examinations of public senior high schools and vocational schools has been improved a lot through endeavour for more than 10 years. But the content validity and structural form of geography questions in the joint entrance examinations of junior colleges still need a further improvement. 2. The content validity and structural form of geography questions in the stage examina負ions of junior high schools are not so good as we expect. It reflects that the content and direction of geography teaching in junior high schools still have some problems. 3. Certainly the content and quality of geography questions in the joint entrance examina負ions affect the teaching direction in junior high schools. But apparent improvement of geogra計hy questions has only been done in the joint entrance examinations of public senior high schools and vocational schools, the effect of guiding a normal teaching is not obvious yet. 4. The reasons that the effect of guiding a teaching normalization is not satisfactory are (1) the quality of geography questions in the jojnt entrance examinations of junior colleges is not improved simultaneously; (2) the authorities of educational administration and geography teach苟rs in junior high schools do not comprehend completely that the evaluation and teaching are indivisable parts in a whole teaching process. Evaluation belongs to evaluation, and teaching belongs to teaching, consequently both of teachers and learners will not focus their concentra-tion on the proper objectives and points of emphasis.Item 國中本國區域地理的整合式教學(國立臺灣師範大學, 1988-06-01) 陳國川; 姚翰玲本文的主要目的,是評估「整合教學模式」在本國區域地理教學上的有效性。整合教學模式是一種同時整合教學目標、教學活動和教學評量等教學過程,以及同時整合認知、技能和情意目標等學習領域的教學法。其基本精神是:教學目標以地理課程目標和地理教材為設計的基礎;教學活動以學生為中心,且貫穿認知和情意二個領域;教學評量以教學目標和教學活動為設計的依據。評估的結果顯示,整合教學模式不僅增加了學生學習區域地理的興趣和意願,同時也有助於認知、技能和情意等教學目標的達成。另一方面,評估的結果亦發現,以整合教學模式從事區域地理教學,其教學過程的一貫性,卻常受偶發的校內或校外課外活動的干擾。Item 中學地理科的整合教學模式與命題模式(臺北市教師研習中心, 1993-02-01) 施添福; 陳國川Item 地理教學目標的設計(國立臺灣師範大學, 1984-04-01) 施添福; 陳國川Item 「圖片」在地理教學上的應用(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1988-03-01) 歐陽鍾玲Picture is one of the best and efficient tools in geography teaching, especially in the early period of geography education. Using pictures will help students to train themselves to obtain better geographical skill, in telling location, orientation, distance and scale. But systematic application of picture in textbook is difficult task. A test using 8 color pictures and 18 questions for primary school students is conducted in order to understand their comprehension of the picture. The results review that the students (basically without training) response the questions with diversified answers, particularly, for those questions that need special trainings. It is suggested that education geographers shold put more time and effort in this aspect in order to improve picture application in geography teaching.Item 朗讀教學的運用及目的(國立臺灣師範大學英語文教學中心、Airiti Press Inc., 1990-07-01) 李世文譯Item 如何閱讀〈念奴嬌.赤壁懷古〉(教育部臺灣省國民學校教師研習會研習資訊雜誌社, 2009-04-01) 潘麗珠Item 「故鄉的桂花雨」教學活動設計(國文天地雜誌社, 2001-04-01) 潘麗珠