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Item 花東縱谷國家風景區特殊地景景點開發、維護及旅遊路線規劃之研究(交通部觀光局花東縱谷國家風景區管理處, 2001-01-01) 張瑞津; 蔡文彩; 鄧國雄; 林雪美; 沈淑敏; 陳翰霖; 魏源金; 黃源城; 滕肇芸Item 東部海岸陸域資源調查分析–地質、地形資源調查分析(臺灣省住都局, 1989-01-01) 石再添; 鄧國雄; 張瑞津; 黃朝恩; 石慶得; 楊貴三; 許民陽; 沈淑敏; 林雪美Item 臺灣海岸山脈泰源盆地河流地形之研究(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1990-03-01) 鄧國雄; 沈淑敏Taiyuan Basin, located in the south part of Coastal Range in East Taiwan, is famous for its landforms of well-developed river terraces and meanders. The whole drainage basin belongs to the Mawuku Stream System. The number of different stages of river terraces that could be correlated is eleven and the three youngest terraces which developed in the outlet reach haven't extented to the basin yet. In the basin, the channel sinousity is rather large however the amplitude is quite small. The phenomena of seven cut-off meanders that formed at different stages indicate the streams are always meandering. There are two main factors that influence the development of Taiyuan Basin. One is the spatial arrangement of lithology difference of Tuluanshan and Takankao Formations; the other is erosion basis lowered intermittently by the effects of uplifted movement and sea-level eustacy.Item 臺灣西部與南部活斷層的地形學研究(地理學系, 1984-02-??) 石再添; 鄧國雄; 張瑞津; 石慶得; 楊貴三; 許民陽Item 塭子川沼澤區的水文地形學研究(地理學系, 1982-01-??) 石再添; 石慶得; 張瑞津; 黃朝恩; 楊萬全; 鄧國雄Item 臺灣海岸山脈泰源盆地河流地形之研究(地理學系, 1990-03-??) 鄧國雄; 沈淑敏Taiyuan Basin, located in the south part of Coastal Range in East Taiwan, is famous for its landforms of well-developed river terraces and meanders. The whole drainage basin belongs to the Mawuku Stream System. The number of different stages of river terraces that could be correlated is eleven and the three youngest terraces which developed in the outlet reach haven't extented to the basin yet. In the basin, the channel sinousity is rather large however the amplitude is quite small. The phenomena of seven cut-off meanders that formed at different stages indicate the streams are always meandering. There are two main factors that influence the development of Taiyuan Basin. One is the spatial arrangement of lithology difference of Tuluanshan and Takankao Formations; the other is erosion basis lowered intermittently by the effects of uplifted movement and sea-level eustacy.Item 臺北地區漢人聚落拓墾與地形之相關研究(地理學系, 2004-05-??) 張政亮; 鄧國雄; 吳健蘭Item 頭前溪階地之地形學研究(地理學系, 1999-11-??) 張瑞津; 鄧國雄; 劉明錡頭前溪階地群至今仍殘存之紅壤階地可分為六階,非紅壤階地為三階。紅壤高位階地分布於頭前溪兩岸,以南岸的竹東至新竹間之竹東丘陵區最為發達,紅壤最高面為竹東面,高度280~250公尺,比高約130 ~100公尺,對比為LH。其次為寶山北面、竹東西面、高峰面、仙宮面與關東橋面,前二者之紅壤階面多已侵蝕殆盡,僅餘丘頂殘面,高度為250~230公尺與220~200公尺,階崖均達20公尺,分別對比為LT1與LT2;後三者高度分別為110~100公尺、90~80公尺、70~50公尺,階崖為20公尺、15公尺與10公尺,對比為LT3、LT4與LT5面;北岸之飛鳳山丘陵區最高為飛鳳山,高度462公尺,殘面對此為LH,其次為犁頭山頂部賤留三塊向西緩降的高位紅壤階地,高度由230~150公尺,對比為LT1。非紅壤低位階地則分布於頭前溪南、北兩岸,可分為三段階地,其中南岸的員山面及麻園肚面較廣,高度為55~40公尺、45~30公尺,階崖為5公尺、3~5公尺,對比為FT2與FT3面,而FT1之員崠子面殘留甚少。北岸之穹林面與竹北面高度分別100~90公尺及80~20公尺,階崖5~10公尺與3~5公尺,對比為FT1與FT3。本區階地受到新期構造如新竹斷層、新城斷層、竹東斷層與寶山背斜、青草湖背斜等的影響,其中以新竹斷層及新城斷層對階地的影響最為明顯,例如新城斷層通過LT3、LT4與LT5,各造成40公尺、35公尺與25公尺之斷層崖,至於低位階地FT2則有數公尺的斷崖;新竹斷層通過LT5與FT2面,各造成10公尺與2公尺的斷崖,且影響LT5階面向南傾動。本研究根據階地分布、地形特徵及地形面對比推測,頭前溪地形演育如下:更新世中期頭前溪形成LH面,因受台灣島新期構造運動的隆升,造成頭前溪向北依次遷移下切,而新期構造運動中,斷層活動則至少持續至FT2。Item 新店溪河階之地形學研究(地理學系, 2000-11-??) 張瑞津; 鄧國雄; 劉明錡River terraces including six lateritic surfaces (LH、LT1-LT5) and three non-Iateritic surfaces (FT1-FT3) have been recognized along Hsin-tien River. Most of lateritic surfaces distributed concentrately at Ping-lin, Shen-chang-Pan and Hsin-tien. Comparatively speaking, surfaces LT4, LT5 and FT2 distributed more widely and continuously than the others. Under the effect of tilting, the channel tended to shift from south to north and became sinuos. Sinuosity increased to the maximum in the LT4 stage that imp1ied the river had a significant lateral erosion in relatively stable stage. FT terraces have been formed under the controlling effect eustatic fluctuation and subsidence of Taipei Basin. The meander cut occurred during the lowering base level stage (FT1-FT2). Referring the results of climatic and eustatic fluctuation, the LT5 and three FT surfaces have been formed respectively in high sea level around 40000, 10000, 6000 and 3000 years before present.Item 臺灣活斷層的地形學研究(地理學系, 1986-03-??) 石再添; 鄧國雄; 張瑞津; 石慶得; 楊貴三