
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31272


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    Chinese and English supportive strategies: A cross-cultural analysis.
    (2010-03-13) Hsieh, Chia-Ling; Chih-Hsuan Hsu.
    Cultural influences on language use have received much attention in face-to-face conversational discourse. It has been an accepted fact that English speakers express feelings and use direct languages more frequently than Chinese. However, little attention has been paid to the disparities between Chinese and English communicative strategies in computer-mediated settings. This study compares how Internet users give support to Taiwanese and American well-known athletes. Data drawn from Taiwan and U.S. websites indicate different degrees of preference in supportive strategies, reflecting a sharp contrast between low-context/individualistic culture and high-context/collective culture. Taiwanese athletes tend to receive support directed toward a shortened social distance. U.S. athletes are primarily supported by more expressive strategies. Nevertheless, the preparatory and compensatory moves exhibit cross-cultural similarities: Both Taiwanese and U.S. athletes are commonly greeted by first names or nicknames. Supporters of both languages also prefer revealing identity, using informal complimentary closings, and omitting salutations or signatures. The conclusions indicate that influences of Internet characteristics are as significant as cultural backgrounds on the directness and formality of online support. This suggests that the awareness of language cultures and communication media is crucial for language learners in building and mastering successful intercultural communication in networking communities.
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    A study of interaction in Chinese-language cross-cultural classes via long distance synchronous videoconferencing.
    (2010-09-26) Hsieh, Chia-Ling; Wan-Ting Luo; Joseph B. Breed.
    Despite technological improvements, teachers and students still often find interaction in distance classes difficult. Literature on this subject pointed to problems such as connection instability, poor image, sound clarity, no sense of immediacy, and less error correction than in face to face classes, and suggested remedies including giving faster feedback, lessening student anxiety or feelings of isolation, and making the class feel more immediate. However, there has not yet been any systematic exploration of Chinese distance teaching. This study uses the long-distance learning interactive model and employs questionnaires, live observation, and interviews with teachers to analyze the difficulties and strategies applicable to cross-cultural Chinese teaching. The teachers involved were Taiwanese, and students were Japanese and American. Factors found to negatively influence interaction include monotonous activities, poor connectivity, unfamiliarity with software, unfamiliarity with distance classes, and too few activities involving two-way communication. Results show that improving the quality of long-distance education requires a stable Internet connection, activities related to real-life experiences, developing user familiarity with long-distance communication, and reducing student anxiety. This study is intended as a reference for long-distance course design and teacher training.
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    (臺北市:文鶴出版有限公司, 2010-12-01) 謝佳玲
    本研究根據真實的請求情境歸納華語的拒絕模式,詮釋在特定 語體與語境變因作用下之運作特徵。語料來自台灣大學生與研究助 理的對話內容,溝通媒介包括電話與電郵;拒絕標的包括勞心與勞 力請求。結果指出,拒絕行為一般包含意圖明確的拒絕與阻因兩個 成分,在電話中出現順序不定,偶以迂迴策略取代;在電郵中偏好 先說明阻因再拒絕,並搭配更多道謝與道歉的禮貌策略。兩種語料 的差異反映媒介的特性,電話接近口語語體;電郵接近書面語體。 請求類型亦影響拒絕模式,內在阻因多用以拒絕勞心的請求;外在 阻因拒絕勞力的請求,可見拒絕行為與請求標的有其相依性。結論 顯示語言、語體與語境的互動,並為語用分析與華語教學的聯繫提 供例證。
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    Epistemic stance taking in Chinese media discourse.
    (2009-12-01) Hsieh, Chia-Ling
    This study inspects how Chinese epistemic modality is responsive to the participant stance and communicative intention of the press. Results indicate predominant presence of epistemic adverbs in local news as compared with business and politics news. They are also more favored in reflective comments and quoted statements than factual descriptions. However, occurring preferences vary between epistemic subclasses. Speculative outnumbers assertive across different subject matters. Speculative also features a greater frequency than assertive as journalists narrate, comment and quote. These distributional tendencies suggest a stronger sense of stance marking carried by assertive than speculative. This in turn reflects a heavier responsibility journalists take as delivering knowledge with a higher level of commitment. It is concluded that journalists make a strategic choice of epistemic markers to attain distinct forces of stance taking. The findings substantiate the role of semantic constructs as an account for cognitive pragmatics.
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    (2011-01-01) 謝佳玲
    本文以台湾交友网站为例, 探讨虚拟情境下的认知与语言特征是否保留汉语的传 统文化取向。结果显示, 网民的语篇内容侧重描述自我意识形态和个性; 语言形式则偏好以语 用功能透明的祈使句与语气词表达个人观感。结论指出, 汉语人士于网络社会展现个体主义, 彰显自我更重于结交朋友, 发展出异于现实世界的交际模式。