
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31272


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    (臺北市:華文世界雜誌社, 2010-08-01) 王兆華; 朱我芯
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 1997-07-31) 張霄亭; 沈中偉; 楊美雪; 信世昌
    二十一世紀是中國人的世紀,華語成為很多外國學生熱衷學習的語言,每年來中華民國或至中國大陸學習華語的外國學生絡繹不絕。然而,我國卻缺乏優良的華語師資與教學媒體。語言學習需要真實的情境,使學習者在自然的情境中增進其應用語文的能力。然而教師要安排外語的真實情境,實在不易。負笈外國學習又所費不貲,不是每位學習者都可負擔。因此,在無法讓學習者親身經驗語言真實的情境下,經由多媒體整合文字、聲音、影像、動畫等來學習外語,是為最佳的選擇。但是多媒體教學是否有其成效,端賴其教學設計是否適切,是否有效運用學習與教學理論,是否確切發揮多媒體的功能與特性。基於上述研究背景與動機,本研究小組乃集合華語文教學、教學設計、教育心理學、教學媒體、與電腦等方面的專家學者,以科技整合的方式,期以最新的情境式學習理論來研發華語多媒體教學課程軟體,以適應華語教學的需求,並藉以推廣中華文化。本研究計畫之目的:第一年為1.分析海外華語教學的需求。2.探討多媒體的特質及其應用於華語教學的潛能。3.建立華語多媒體課程發展與專案管理之適當模式。第二年為4.應用教學理論來設計與發展華語多媒體光碟。5.測試與驗證情境學習理論。本研究計畫採研究發展法〈research and development approach〉,採用此方法之原因,是有鑑於過去有關教學媒體的研究多為探索理論知識基礎研究法,或以某個假設來驗證其教學效果的應用研究法,少有依據學校教學的需求,找出有效的解決途徑,並製作適合教學需求的產品。本研究計劃預計分兩年執行。八十五年度已完成:1.分析海內外華語教學的現況、問題。2.以訪談、問卷方式進行需求調查、分析與評估。3.文獻蒐集與探討多媒體在華語教學的潛能、情境學習理論、國內外華語多媒體教學軟體之研究概況。4.建立華語多媒體課程發展與專案管理之適當模式。八十六年度擬繼續執行製作與評鑑階段,預計完成:1.應用教學理論設計與發展華語多媒體光碟,包括腳本撰寫、專家評鑑、教學策略與教學活動設計、與軟體開發等。2.製作系統文件與使用手冊。3.測試與評估華語多媒體光碟之教學成效。
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    An International Cooperative Model of Online Chinese Courses
    (2013-03-16) Hsin,Wang; Huang
    This research project attempts to build a new cooperative model with the superintendents of school districts of various states in the United States. The idea behind the project is based on the urgent need of Mandarin Chinese courses in middle school level in the US. Since most school districts encounter the problem of lacking Chinese teachers and teaching resources, offering Chinese courses through internet videoconferencing from Taiwan could be a feasible solution. This project involved some aspects ncluding teaching materials design specifically for online instruction, communication with schools and their teachers/students, teacher's training for synchronized online instruction, e-learning platform and facilities arrangement, and problem solving along the implementation process. The program has been implemented during the year of 2012. We have offered courses for five schools in different states and have established a workable operation model for this international cooperation. Through this cooperative model, American students gain the benefit of learning resources through internet, and Mandarin educators and researchers in Taiwan also gain new insights on how to promote the Chinese language learning in the global community.
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    An International Cooperative Model of Online Chinese Courses for American Middle Schools
    (Edinburgh University Press, 2013-01-01) Hsin, S. C.; Wang, C. W.; Huang, Y. H.
    This research project attempts to build a new cooperative model with the superintendents of school districts of various states in the United States. The idea behind the project is based on the urgent need of Mandarin Chinese courses in middle school level in the US. Since most school districts encounter the problem of lacking Chinese teachers and teaching resources, offering Chinese courses through internet videoconferencing from Taiwan could be a feasible solution. This project involved some aspects including teaching materials design specifically for online instruction, communication with schools and their teachers/students, teacher’s training for synchronized online instruction, e-learning platform and facilities arrangement, and problem solving along the implementation process. The program has been implemented during the year of 2012. We have offered courses for five schools in different states and have established a workable operation model for this international cooperation. Through this cooperative model, American students gain the benefit of learning resources through internet, and Mandarin educators and researchers in Taiwan also gain new insights on how to promote the Chinese language learning in the global community
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    (臺北市:中華民國空中教育學會, 2008-06-01) 信世昌