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Item 漢英網路語言與情態對比研究(II)(行政院國家科學委員會, 2011-10-31) 謝佳玲漢英網路語言與情態對比研究(II) 近三十年西方語言學界從不同角度研究情態,早期著重可能性與必要性的靜態邏輯 修飾,近年延伸至主觀性與禮貌性的動態人際功能,多偏重口語或書面語體與情境的影 響。近十年電腦中介溝通的研究大幅成長,然文獻尚未探討情態擔任線上互動策略的特 色,因此此二年期計畫擬延續本人過去研究,探討漢語與英語的網路語言與情態成分, 瞭解語用功能與社會價值的關係,並進行語言與文化對比分析。研究假設溝通策略與情 態運作受語境牽制,電子互動著重的傳訊效率可能導致語言表現比傳統溝通直接明確, 情態的角色亦有所不同。本計畫擬透過非同步之網站介面蒐集真實語料,詮釋語域與情 境變因的作用,並應用語料庫技術節省分析時間與人力,提升研究廣度與深度。 本計畫擬探討台灣與美國三種線上常見的言語行為,即交友聯誼、經驗分享與廣告 行銷,對比漢語與英語的言語特徵與情態分布,從中歸納現實與虛擬社會的文化價值異 同,並驗證東方集體主義與西方個體主義於現代新興媒體中的消長。漢英情態詞依其表 達的評估類型分為認知、義務與動力三大義項,根據語用功能與社會意涵再進行次類劃 分,並透過虛擬社群的環境、言語行為的本質及人際關係的因素剖析語言機制的解讀與 運作變異。計畫最終目標為驗證網路世界形成獨特社群,歸納漢英網路溝通特徵與情態 詞選用與連用的通用原則。藉由計畫的研究成果,希冀語言研究者與教學者能掌握漢英 電子語言與文化的共性與個性,瞭解數位化時代對人類的影響已體現於語言中。Item Chinese and English supportive strategies: A cross-cultural analysis.(2010-03-13) Hsieh, Chia-Ling; Chih-Hsuan Hsu.Cultural influences on language use have received much attention in face-to-face conversational discourse. It has been an accepted fact that English speakers express feelings and use direct languages more frequently than Chinese. However, little attention has been paid to the disparities between Chinese and English communicative strategies in computer-mediated settings. This study compares how Internet users give support to Taiwanese and American well-known athletes. Data drawn from Taiwan and U.S. websites indicate different degrees of preference in supportive strategies, reflecting a sharp contrast between low-context/individualistic culture and high-context/collective culture. Taiwanese athletes tend to receive support directed toward a shortened social distance. U.S. athletes are primarily supported by more expressive strategies. Nevertheless, the preparatory and compensatory moves exhibit cross-cultural similarities: Both Taiwanese and U.S. athletes are commonly greeted by first names or nicknames. Supporters of both languages also prefer revealing identity, using informal complimentary closings, and omitting salutations or signatures. The conclusions indicate that influences of Internet characteristics are as significant as cultural backgrounds on the directness and formality of online support. This suggests that the awareness of language cultures and communication media is crucial for language learners in building and mastering successful intercultural communication in networking communities.Item A study of interaction in Chinese-language cross-cultural classes via long distance synchronous videoconferencing.(2010-09-26) Hsieh, Chia-Ling; Wan-Ting Luo; Joseph B. Breed.Despite technological improvements, teachers and students still often find interaction in distance classes difficult. Literature on this subject pointed to problems such as connection instability, poor image, sound clarity, no sense of immediacy, and less error correction than in face to face classes, and suggested remedies including giving faster feedback, lessening student anxiety or feelings of isolation, and making the class feel more immediate. However, there has not yet been any systematic exploration of Chinese distance teaching. This study uses the long-distance learning interactive model and employs questionnaires, live observation, and interviews with teachers to analyze the difficulties and strategies applicable to cross-cultural Chinese teaching. The teachers involved were Taiwanese, and students were Japanese and American. Factors found to negatively influence interaction include monotonous activities, poor connectivity, unfamiliarity with software, unfamiliarity with distance classes, and too few activities involving two-way communication. Results show that improving the quality of long-distance education requires a stable Internet connection, activities related to real-life experiences, developing user familiarity with long-distance communication, and reducing student anxiety. This study is intended as a reference for long-distance course design and teacher training.Item 漢語情態之功能分析與學術寫作之教學應用(臺北市:英語語言與文學學刊編輯委員會, 2013-02-01) 謝佳玲; 吳欣儒Item The proximate unit in Chinese handwritten character production.(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2013-08-09) Chen, J.-Y.; Cherng, R.-J.In spoken word production, a proximate unit is the first phonological unit at the sublexical level that is selectable for production (O'Seaghdha et al., 2010). The present study investigated whether the proximate unit in Chinese handwritten character production is the stroke, the radical, or something in between. A written version of the form preparation task was adopted. Chinese participants learned sets of two-character words, later were cued with the first character of each word, and had to write down the second character (the target). Response times were measured from the onset of a cue character to the onset of a written response. In Experiment 1, the target characters within a block shared (homogeneous) or did not share (heterogeneous) the first stroke. In Experiment 2, the first two strokes were shared in the homogeneous blocks. Response times in the homogeneous blocks and in the heterogeneous blocks were comparable in both experiments (Experiment 1: 687 vs. 684 ms, Experiment 2: 717 vs. 716). In Experiment 3 and 4, the target characters within a block shared or did not share the first radical. Response times in the homogeneous blocks were significantly faster than those in the heterogeneous blocks (Experiment 3: 685 vs. 704, Experiment 4: 594 vs. 650). In Experiment 5 and 6, the shared component was a Gestalt-like form that is more than a stroke, constitutes a portion of the target character, can be a stand-alone character itself, can be a radical of another character but is not a radical of the target character (e.g., � in , , , ; called a logographeme). Response times in the homogeneous blocks were significantly faster than those in the heterogeneous blocks (Experiment 5: 576 vs. 625, Experiment 6: 586 vs. 620). These results suggest a model of Chinese handwritten character production in which the stroke is not a functional unit, the radical plays the role of a morpheme, and the logographeme is the proximate unit.