
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31276


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    Primary school students’decision-making argumentation in cyber-ethics dilemmas
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010-10-27) Lin, Chun-Hsu; Huang, Shih-Ming; Wu, Pei-Shan; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    This study involved 38 primary school students in a detective game about cyber-ethics dilemmas and explored students' skills at making a reasoned decision and presenting a convincing argument. This game continued for five weeks and was supported by a computer system. It started with a given speculation/hypothesis. Then each student collected at least a piece of supporting evidence and wrote it up on the computer system for each week. During the evidence collection period, the researchers, playing a witness of the opposing side, actively provided refuting evidence each week. For the last week, the students were required to draw respective conclusions/decisions based on their collected evidence and given refuting evidence. All the students' constructed arguments for describing evidences and conclusions were analyzed. It was found that most of the students (about 92%) developed arguments consisting of either claims only or claims and data. They would not be able to construct complicated arguments with backings, warrants and rebuttals.
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    (2010-12-10) 陳政煥; 洪英芷; 吳適佐; 邱瓊慧
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    (2011-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
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    以Web 2.0工具支援國小資訊課合寫筆記之研究
    (2010-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    本計畫針對國小學童於學校資訊課教學中使用Web 2.0工具(Google Docs)實施小組合寫筆記的效果進行研究。寫筆記的效用通常可從產出筆記「過程(process)」和複習筆記「結果(product)」兩部分來檢視,本計畫因此探討因不同產出過程及不同複習策略形成之不同「合寫筆記方法」的影響,本計畫關注的產出筆記過程包含共編及分享;複習策略則包含提問及摘要,規劃分三個階段,以三年時間完成,第一年探討學生共編及分享筆記的效果和差異;第二年於複習筆記時導入「提問」策略,探討共編式及分享式合寫筆記方法的效果和差異,第三年則導入「摘要」策略,探討共編式筆記及分享式合寫筆記方法的效果和差異。三年的研究皆透過學生的學習成就、學習態度、筆記品質、及小組互動特徵來檢視不同合寫筆記方法的效果。本計畫目前執行至第一階段,對於運用Web 2.0工具(Google Docs)於課堂合作(共編及分享)產出筆記的設計及應用將可提出具體、有效的建議。
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    Elementary school students’ attitudes toward applying wikis or blogs for collaborative note-taking activities
    (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2010-05-17) Chiu, Chiung-Hui; Chen, Cheng-Huan; Wu, Chiu-Yi; Ssu-Wei
    This study explores the attitudes of elementary school students toward integrating wikis or blogs into collaborative lecture notes. A wiki site was used for collaborative note editing. A team of students divided their note-taking pages, record information on respective area of responsibility and reciprocally supplemented information to their partners’ areas. A blog site was used to share notes. Students in a team took notes on a respective page. However, they could read each others’ notes, leave comments on others’ pages and come back to modify their own notes. It was found that the students who took notes using blogs felt significantly more satisfied than students who using wikis.
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    (2010-04-29) 邱瓊慧; 林德圭
    本研究以一準實驗設計探討論證品質視覺化對國小學童進行線上論證活動的影響。本研究由台北縣一所國小一個班級 25 位六年級學生參與,線上論證活動包含兩個主題、為期兩週,其中隨機分派的 13 位學生為實驗組,學生送出一個論述後的隔天便會收到有關其論證品質的視覺化回饋;其餘 12 位學生為控制組,在活動過程中,不會接收到任何的介入或干擾。研究結果顯示視覺化回饋對於學生進行線上論證及發展論證能力應有值得期待的影響力。
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    (2010-08-01) 林美娟
    本研究試圖探討在國中小實施程式設計教學之有效教學策略,由97年8月起分三年進行。第二年的研究著重於「親子共學程式設計」。具體而言,本研究試圖探討親子如何共同合作完成MSWLogo程式。本研究採用多重個案研究,由研究者在為期五天的電腦夏令營中,直接觀察三對親子的共學情形。每一對親子組總共完成教師所指定的33個程式設計題目。本研究經由教室觀察、個別訪談、和現場錄影收集質性資料並加以統整分析。研究結果顯示,親子共學程式設計展現了「配對程式設計」(“pair programming”)的特性,亦即親、子自然而然地分別擔任起「審查者」(“the reviewer”)和「驅動者」(“the driver” )的角色。此外,在父親或母親的指導下,孩子較能系統化地依照程式設計解題步驟逐步完成程式。如此的做法使得程式碼較為簡潔,也較少發生錯誤。同時,孩子也會在家長的要求下,回顧解題步驟,進行反思。參與本研究的家長和孩子都表示參加本研究共學程式設計是個非常愉快的經驗。
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    Group differences in computer supported collaborative learning: Evidence from patterns of Taiwanese students' online communication
    (Elsevier, 2010-02-01) Chiu, Chiung-Hui; Hsiao, Hsieh-Fen
    This study explored the differences among online elementary school student groups based on their communication features. Two hundred and ninety-one Taiwanese students, ranging in age from 11 to 12 years old, participated in this study. The students were randomly arranged within-class into three-member groups. Each group was asked to use a collaborative learning system to accomplish a group task generating a shared concept map. The textual discussions in each group during collaboration were collected, coded, categorized, and quantified to profile their communication characteristics. Cluster analysis on the resulting communication characteristics resulted in four types of small student groups, including passive or reticent, frequently off-task, actively participating, and knowledge emphasizing. Most student groups (56%) were found to be relatively passive or reticent. Frequently off-task student groups made a protrusive amount of messages for off-task social purposes. The actively participating student groups were characterized by abundant discussion, particularly for continuing task, managing procedure and coordinating efforts. The distinctive feature of knowledge emphasizing student groups was that they devoted particular attention to task related knowledge. In addition, they performed better in task accomplishment.