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Item 國民小學社會學習領域教科書多元文化概念與取向之內容分析(2012) 陳薇亘; Wei-Hsuan Chen本研究旨在探討國民小學社會學習領域教科書中多元文化概念與取向之內容分析,以九十八學年度通過教育部審定之社會學習領域教科書為研究對象,選定市占率較高之翰林審定本,冊數為一至八冊,共計八冊。首先,在量化分析方面,以研究者參考國內外文獻後制定之「多元文化主題面向類目分析表」與「多元文化概念類目分析表」作為分析依據,主題面向分為族群、階級、性別、宗教、鄉土、語言、多面向及其他等八個主類目;概念分為瞭解自我、我與他者及人我權力關係等三個主類目,目的在瞭解多元文化概念的呈現情形。接著,在質性探討方面,採用Kincheloe& Steinberg (1997)二位學者提出多元文化主義五大取向,包含:保守論、自由主義論、多元論、左派本質論與批判論,作為檢視依據,目的在瞭解教科書內容編輯反應何種多元文化主義取向。 最後,依據研究結果,本研究提出建議,以供未來教材編輯、教師教學及後續研究之參考。Item 性別化的課程轉化:高中公民與社會科教師的性別議題教學(教育研究與評鑑中心, 2015-09-??) 蘇苑瑜; 劉美慧; Yuan-Yu Su; Mei-Hui Liu本研究旨在探討不同性別的高中公民與社會科教師如何進行教科書性別議題的課程轉化並分析其差異。本研究採個案研究法,邀請臺灣北部地區一所男女合校高中之公民與社會科男、女教師各一位,以其任教的一年級班級為研究場域,透過參與觀察、訪談與文件分析等方法蒐集資料。研究發現,教師對教科書性別議題的理解與詮釋因性別而異,其傾向以自身性別經驗詮釋性別議題。男教師認為教科書太偏女權,因此從性別不均衡的教科書另闢蹊徑,於教學時多闡述男性經驗與處境;女教師則大致贊同教科書內容,進而挖掘並批判教科書隱而不見的性別歧視。此外,男教師強調社會結構對性別的影響;女教師則從生理性別出發詮釋性別,這是一種性別化的課程轉化。然而,性別經驗的侷限使男、女教師的課程轉化忽略整體社會的性別建構意義、認為自身性別為父權社會下實質的受害者,教師的性別運作課程與教科書的正式課程仍有落差。Item 性別化的課程轉化:高中公民與社會科教師的性別議題教學(教育研究與評鑑中心, 2015-09-??) 蘇苑瑜; 劉美慧; Yuan-Yu Su; Mei-Hui Liu本研究旨在探討不同性別的高中公民與社會科教師如何進行教科書性別議題的課程轉化並分析其差異。本研究採個案研究法,邀請臺灣北部地區一所男女合校高中之公民與社會科男、女教師各一位,以其任教的一年級班級為研究場域,透過參與觀察、訪談與文件分析等方法蒐集資料。研究發現,教師對教科書性別議題的理解與詮釋因性別而異,其傾向以自身性別經驗詮釋性別議題。男教師認為教科書太偏女權,因此從性別不均衡的教科書另闢蹊徑,於教學時多闡述男性經驗與處境;女教師則大致贊同教科書內容,進而挖掘並批判教科書隱而不見的性別歧視。此外,男教師強調社會結構對性別的影響;女教師則從生理性別出發詮釋性別,這是一種性別化的課程轉化。然而,性別經驗的侷限使男、女教師的課程轉化忽略整體社會的性別建構意義、認為自身性別為父權社會下實質的受害者,教師的性別運作課程與教科書的正式課程仍有落差。Item 通過ISO9000認證之壽險業者對業務人員的訓練管理現況及其與ISO10015之差距(2006) 劉美慧; Mei-Hui LiuCorporations often invested plenty of money in training. The cognition of training’s importance is rooted deeper nowadays than before in both the owner’s and employee’s minds. To make the training effective、besides a good course、the training management is the key to assure training quality and effect. ISO 10015、the first international standard of training management、made its debut to the world in December 1999. The purposes of this descriptive study were to investigate the training management status of ISO 9000-certified life insurance companies for sales personnel and to explore their gaps to meet the ISO 10015 guidelines and also their opinions on training status and ISO 10015. Interviews and questionnaire surveys were given to 11 training specialists or managers from 11 life insurance companies. The conclusions of this study were made as follows: (1) Life insurance companies had well-developed training management system for sales personnel. (2) The training stages ordered from with small to large gaps comparing with ISO 10015 guidelines were designing and planning training、providing for the training、defining training needs、and evaluating the outcome of training. (3) Organizational and job training needs were well developed、while personal training needs mostly came from informal channels. The method of official competency analysis was started to be adopted. (4) Training design was well developed in life insurance companies in the aspects of course design、trainer’s training and training materials. (5) The evaluating levels ordered from full to partial implementation were reaction、learning、results、and then behavior. (6) The training stages ordered from high to low satisfaction were providing for the training、designing and planning training、defining training needs、and evaluating the outcome of training. (7) The improving actions and opinions on training process included personal competency analysis、internalized、on-site、or charged courses、assurance of trainer’s and trainee’s quality、role playing、study group、and overall performance analysis. (8) Most life insurance companies considered not to apply ISO 10015 for the worries of no virtual effects、heavy load of manpower、time and cost for implementing in long-term basis and lacking flexibility.